New Time Card

  • HR HUB 360 simplifies the process of submitting timecards, making it simple for users to send in their weekly hours. Additionally, it offers the choice to either save timecards as drafts or submit them immediately, complete with the ability to attach necessary timecard documents.
  • Furthermore, our platform showcases advanced features, including the automated population of company holidays. To guarantee precision, managers or administrators must allocate projects with matching start and end dates before employees can successfully finalize their timecard submissions.

Process Flow to Submit New Time Card

Quick way to submit New time card

In the fast-paced world of modern work environments, our platform helps in keeping track of time and tasks is crucial to maintain productivity and ensure accurate compensation. However, there might be instances where you realize you forgot to submit your timecard, causing potential delays and inconveniences for both you and your employer. To help streamline this process, our product presents a quick and efficient method to submit a missing timecard, ensuring that your billable hours are accurately recorded and processed without unnecessary hassle.

Our platform supports many ways to submit timecard quickly:

  • Submit timecard in a single click from dashboard under quick links, profile details and from bell icon.
  • By Clicking Missing timecard notification count
  • Using Unsubmitted count
  • Recent Timecards list from dashboard

Advanced features of New Timecard

  • Added feature to submit timecard based on Customer and Project.
  • The platform includes a Notes feature allowing the addition of extensive notes, accommodating up to approximately 4000 characters. These annotations are particularly useful for capturing detailed timecard information.
  • Submitting holiday billable hours assists users with an indicator.
  • Activity history provides a comprehensive overview of how timecard data has been processed and managed over a specific period.
  • Feature to complete a task in a single click .
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