Stay ahead of the competition and please customers’ requirements , we have come up with eSign Module. This has been carefully architecture for HR and User convenience, design allows users to sign their contracts digitally through the HR HUB 360 platform. No more printing, large files, and storing or misplacing documents anymore.
HR HUB 360 e-Sign is an innovative initiative allowing easy, efficient, and secure signing of electronic documents by authenticating the signer using Email services. With this service, any eSign user can digitally sign an electronic document without having to obtain a physical digital signature dongle.
The need to obtain Digital Signature Certificate through a printed paper application form with an ink signature and supporting documents will not be required.
Digital Signature Certificate issuance and applying of signature to electronic content are carried out in a few seconds with e-Sign.
This helps HR in multiple ways, as they get to follow up if there has been no response from the signer ever after receiving it. They will have an update on who all are left to sign.
This online signature feature is Adobe supported which can be used as an aid to clients who do not have access to Adobe software, who may be using a mobile device, or simply want to use a different method other than signing on paper.
With the new eSign feature added to our application, we are committed to constantly improving our products and services and look forward to welcoming you back!